2019 Georges River Council Australia Day & Lunar New Year


Vision China Times are proud sponsors of the 2019 Georges River Council Australia Day and Lunar New Year Festival.






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In 2019, Georges River Council welcomed the Year of the Pig as part of the Lunar New Year Festival which was held on Saturday 2 February 2019 from 10.00am to 5.00pm. This event attracted up to 50,000 attendees from the Georges River area and was a great way to experience the local culture and customs.




The festival commenced with a spectacular celebration involving a parade of floats along the main street of Hurstville leading to the Official Lunar New Year Ceremony. For the remainder of the day Forest Road came alive with a wide variety of market stalls, traditional eye dotting and lion dance, activities and performances.



A number of exciting items featured this year; 12 inflatable zodiac animals, cooking demonstrations, a live mural painted during the event, amusement rides, art and crafts, a 7D cinema, foodies area, photo booths, an incredible entertainment program and much more.

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Festival video

Chinese: https://www.auliving.com.au/201902/116674.html