Page 27 - The Giant Awakens - A Collection of Insights into Chinese Government Influence in Australia
P. 27
Grassroots Influence by Beijing’s
Running Dogs
RUAN JIE The Chinese community 2. Pervasive control of are able to call in to air their City Hall claiming that my event
in Australia is diverse, grassroots Australian opinions on certain issues. There would cause riots and serious
There must always both culturally and Chinese community will always be one or two callers clashes. I was summoned by
be an imagined politically. It should be Example 1: One Chinese saying “how great the Chinese the Melbourne City Hall and
“enemy” from the mentioned that the majority of grocery store owner made Communist Party is,” “The spent hours explaining what the
West for the Chinese overseas Chinese came from a variety of free newspapers Chinese Communist Party has event was and why it would not
community to Mainland China; those who available in his store. However, solved the issue of feeding 1.3 cause any riots. We reached an
“struggle” against came from Hong Kong, Macao, he exclusively forbade The billion people, and China has agreement to increase security at
so that they can be Taiwan and Malaysia largely Tiananmen Times and The Epoch already become a democratic the event and I was asked to pay
“protected” by the consent to the concept of Times. According to the owner, country but in a different way.” for the extra security guards.
Chinese Communist freedom and democracy of the no newspapers critical of the Once, a person called to say
Party wherever they Republic of China and that of Chinese Communist Party were “We Chinese people in Australia Political infiltration is the
migrate. Western society. allowed; he proclaimed himself have been discriminated most formidable in its purpose;
a patriot. The same man was at against by other ethnic groups one is to buy Australian local
I have resided in Australia the front lines in rallies against and such discriminations are politicians, another to ensure
for 20 years. Having come the Australian government’s present all the time…” This there are politicians inside the
from Mainland China, I was stance on the South China Sea. shows the prevalent “enemy political circle to serve and
once brainwashed by the Sadly, he did not realise that mentality” instigated by Chinese speak on behalf of the Chinese
fierce nationalism and political while enjoying the benefits of Communist Party propaganda Communist Party. This is a great
propaganda of my home freedom and democracy he through Chinese language and direct harm to our national
country. I thus have an intimate sought to undermine these media within the Australian sovereignty, the integrity of our
understanding of the overseas values by banning newspapers Chinese community. There must political system as well as the
Chinese who come from that advocated freedom and always be an imagined “enemy” national security.
Mainland China. democracy for China. from the West for the Chinese
community to “struggle” against The 2016 Melbourne City Hall
1. Political divisions of Example 2: I once bought so that they can be “protected” elections saw an unprecedented
overseas Chinese tickets to a mid-Autumn evening by the Chinese Communist total of twenty-two ethnically
Overseas Mainland Chinese party organised by a Chinese Party to wherever they migrate. Chinese candidates. Many of
hold different attitudes towards community group. I was barred these candidates are originally
the Chinese Communist Party, from entry upon arrival. When In the name of promoting from Mainland China. They
and can be classified into four I questioned why, I was told Chinese culture, the Chinese were hosted at a meeting by the
categories: that an official from the Chinese Communist Party infiltrates Chinese Consulate where they
Consulate would deliver a speech various arms of society through were given careful instructions.
The first category consists of at the party. Due to my opposing bodies such as the Confucius Junxi Su has close connections
those who advocate democracy political view, I was deprived of Institute, performing arts groups with the Chinese Consulate and
in the Mainland. They are critical my right to watch the show. If and so on. For example, the hence was supported by over
of the Chinese Communist Party the party was by invitation only Red Detachment of Women, a 150 Chinese community groups
and courageously air their stance or free of charge, then I would ballet that glorifies the Cultural in Melbourne. Su participated
against the regime. have nothing to say. However, Revolution and Red Guards, in the parade protesting the
it was open to the public and it who are essentially anti-West Australian Government’s stance
The second category consists charged a fee for entry, yet I was and anti-Capitalist, was allowed on the South China Sea. It
of those who understand the still discriminated against on the to proceed in Melbourne last is obvious she embraces the
malevolence of the Chinese grounds of my political opinion. year. I had spent much effort Communist Party.
Communist Party, usually because protesting the concert, and
their family members have been 3. Cultural and political even approached the governor’s Overseas Chinese who long to
persecuted by the regime. infiltration office to express my opposition. see a free and democratic China
In the last three decades, whilst However, taking advantage of the should speak up to resist the
The third category is ethnic expanding its economy, the West’s fundamental freedom of infiltration of Australia by the
Chinese who cling to patriotic Chinese Communist Party expression, the ballet proceeded Chinese Communist Party. The
sentiment. They confuse the has been fighting to have unimpeded by our opposition. cancellation of the Chairman
Chinese Communist Party with its legitimacy recognised If the roles were reversed and Mao tribute concert in Sydney
China, unable to discern the internationally. It has gone so any Western country was to last year was a successful example
ruling regime from the nation, far as to infiltrate and place attempt to perform something of our grassroots resistance of
leading to misplaced feelings of itself deep within the economy, anti-Communist in Mainland the Chinese Communist Party’s
patriotism, believing that love culture and politics of sovereign China, the show would not be meddling hand. I hope that
for the Communist Party equals nations. allowed to proceed. more members of the Australian
love for the country. Chinese community can stand
In Melbourne, a pro-Chinese In 2011, I spent $6,000 up to shoulder the duty of
The fourth category consists Communist Party radio station to celebrate the 100th-year safeguarding the democratic
of those who forge connections runs a program every Sunday anniversary of the Republic values of Australia.
with the Chinese Communist afternoon to broadcast its views of China (Taiwan) at the
Party to further their personal on current affairs and listeners Melbourne City Hall. The Ruan (Frank) Jie is editor of
interest. Chinese Consulate immediately Tiananmen Square Times and
responded by writing to the chairman of the Chinese Democratic
Party Australia.
The Giant Awakens: Chinese Government Influence in Australia 27
Running Dogs
RUAN JIE The Chinese community 2. Pervasive control of are able to call in to air their City Hall claiming that my event
in Australia is diverse, grassroots Australian opinions on certain issues. There would cause riots and serious
There must always both culturally and Chinese community will always be one or two callers clashes. I was summoned by
be an imagined politically. It should be Example 1: One Chinese saying “how great the Chinese the Melbourne City Hall and
“enemy” from the mentioned that the majority of grocery store owner made Communist Party is,” “The spent hours explaining what the
West for the Chinese overseas Chinese came from a variety of free newspapers Chinese Communist Party has event was and why it would not
community to Mainland China; those who available in his store. However, solved the issue of feeding 1.3 cause any riots. We reached an
“struggle” against came from Hong Kong, Macao, he exclusively forbade The billion people, and China has agreement to increase security at
so that they can be Taiwan and Malaysia largely Tiananmen Times and The Epoch already become a democratic the event and I was asked to pay
“protected” by the consent to the concept of Times. According to the owner, country but in a different way.” for the extra security guards.
Chinese Communist freedom and democracy of the no newspapers critical of the Once, a person called to say
Party wherever they Republic of China and that of Chinese Communist Party were “We Chinese people in Australia Political infiltration is the
migrate. Western society. allowed; he proclaimed himself have been discriminated most formidable in its purpose;
a patriot. The same man was at against by other ethnic groups one is to buy Australian local
I have resided in Australia the front lines in rallies against and such discriminations are politicians, another to ensure
for 20 years. Having come the Australian government’s present all the time…” This there are politicians inside the
from Mainland China, I was stance on the South China Sea. shows the prevalent “enemy political circle to serve and
once brainwashed by the Sadly, he did not realise that mentality” instigated by Chinese speak on behalf of the Chinese
fierce nationalism and political while enjoying the benefits of Communist Party propaganda Communist Party. This is a great
propaganda of my home freedom and democracy he through Chinese language and direct harm to our national
country. I thus have an intimate sought to undermine these media within the Australian sovereignty, the integrity of our
understanding of the overseas values by banning newspapers Chinese community. There must political system as well as the
Chinese who come from that advocated freedom and always be an imagined “enemy” national security.
Mainland China. democracy for China. from the West for the Chinese
community to “struggle” against The 2016 Melbourne City Hall
1. Political divisions of Example 2: I once bought so that they can be “protected” elections saw an unprecedented
overseas Chinese tickets to a mid-Autumn evening by the Chinese Communist total of twenty-two ethnically
Overseas Mainland Chinese party organised by a Chinese Party to wherever they migrate. Chinese candidates. Many of
hold different attitudes towards community group. I was barred these candidates are originally
the Chinese Communist Party, from entry upon arrival. When In the name of promoting from Mainland China. They
and can be classified into four I questioned why, I was told Chinese culture, the Chinese were hosted at a meeting by the
categories: that an official from the Chinese Communist Party infiltrates Chinese Consulate where they
Consulate would deliver a speech various arms of society through were given careful instructions.
The first category consists of at the party. Due to my opposing bodies such as the Confucius Junxi Su has close connections
those who advocate democracy political view, I was deprived of Institute, performing arts groups with the Chinese Consulate and
in the Mainland. They are critical my right to watch the show. If and so on. For example, the hence was supported by over
of the Chinese Communist Party the party was by invitation only Red Detachment of Women, a 150 Chinese community groups
and courageously air their stance or free of charge, then I would ballet that glorifies the Cultural in Melbourne. Su participated
against the regime. have nothing to say. However, Revolution and Red Guards, in the parade protesting the
it was open to the public and it who are essentially anti-West Australian Government’s stance
The second category consists charged a fee for entry, yet I was and anti-Capitalist, was allowed on the South China Sea. It
of those who understand the still discriminated against on the to proceed in Melbourne last is obvious she embraces the
malevolence of the Chinese grounds of my political opinion. year. I had spent much effort Communist Party.
Communist Party, usually because protesting the concert, and
their family members have been 3. Cultural and political even approached the governor’s Overseas Chinese who long to
persecuted by the regime. infiltration office to express my opposition. see a free and democratic China
In the last three decades, whilst However, taking advantage of the should speak up to resist the
The third category is ethnic expanding its economy, the West’s fundamental freedom of infiltration of Australia by the
Chinese who cling to patriotic Chinese Communist Party expression, the ballet proceeded Chinese Communist Party. The
sentiment. They confuse the has been fighting to have unimpeded by our opposition. cancellation of the Chairman
Chinese Communist Party with its legitimacy recognised If the roles were reversed and Mao tribute concert in Sydney
China, unable to discern the internationally. It has gone so any Western country was to last year was a successful example
ruling regime from the nation, far as to infiltrate and place attempt to perform something of our grassroots resistance of
leading to misplaced feelings of itself deep within the economy, anti-Communist in Mainland the Chinese Communist Party’s
patriotism, believing that love culture and politics of sovereign China, the show would not be meddling hand. I hope that
for the Communist Party equals nations. allowed to proceed. more members of the Australian
love for the country. Chinese community can stand
In Melbourne, a pro-Chinese In 2011, I spent $6,000 up to shoulder the duty of
The fourth category consists Communist Party radio station to celebrate the 100th-year safeguarding the democratic
of those who forge connections runs a program every Sunday anniversary of the Republic values of Australia.
with the Chinese Communist afternoon to broadcast its views of China (Taiwan) at the
Party to further their personal on current affairs and listeners Melbourne City Hall. The Ruan (Frank) Jie is editor of
interest. Chinese Consulate immediately Tiananmen Square Times and
responded by writing to the chairman of the Chinese Democratic
Party Australia.
The Giant Awakens: Chinese Government Influence in Australia 27