Page 29 - The Giant Awakens - A Collection of Insights into Chinese Government Influence in Australia
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behind China’s efforts. Due with diasporic Chinese Chinese as key players in Yet few of these scholar of multiculturalism,
to these blind spots, the communities. Australian public life journalists argues, “validates difference
mainstream English-language To dispel the spectre of such reflect on the while stressing common values
media’s coverage has to some The implications of an a vicious circle is crucial to possibility that associated with universal
extent contributed to fear and ever-expanding Chinese media Australia’s national agenda such pro-Chinese human rights,” and which
anxiety about the implications sector, including digital and of strengthening democracy, nationalism is as encourages rigorous, rational
of China’s rise, rather than social media, in Australia are ensuring economic prosperity, much a response to and respectful dialogue and
seeking to understand and many and complex. To look promoting social cohesion, and their own narrowly debate.
address these sentiments. on the “bright side,” it seems practising effective engagement focused and
Of particular interest to that the Chinese migrant with China. Chinese migrants one-dimensional Finally, political, social, and
mainstream English reporters community in Australia are in Australia are voters reporting on China cultural actors aside, Chinese
are the speeches and actions of “spoiled for choice,” since capable of shaping outcomes as it is the result migrants can be enthusiastic
Chinese individuals who display they have, within their reach, in electoral politics. This is of the Chinese promoters of goodwill on behalf
pro-China nationalism— state Chinese media, Chinese evidenced in the last Federal government’s of Australia in the cultivation of
as in the case of a Chinese migrant media, transnational election, where pro-Coalition patriotic mutually beneficial Australia–
student rally in Melbourne Chinese media from other Chinese voters effectively used propaganda. China relations. To be sure, the
against the Hague’s decision— Chinese migration destinations, WeChat—currently the most Australian government has also
and Australia’s position—on the Chinese-language media widely used Chinese social noted the importance of diapora
China’s sovereignty claims in provided as part of Australia’s media platform—to campaign diplomacy, particularly the need
the South China Sea. Yet few multicultural media (SBS radio, against the Labor Party. Chinese to draw on the linguistic skills,
of these journalists reflect television, and Internet outlets), Australians—whether they social networks, and cultural
on the possibility that such and the mainstream English- realise it or not—have also community connections of
pro-Chinese nationalism is language Australian media. At been active agents on behalf of diasporic communities. But to
as much a response to their the same time, individuals in this economic growth. This is not prosecute this policy effectively
own narrowly-focused and community are sometimes— only because, as individuals, has never been as important as
one-dimensional reporting perhaps often—confronted they are enthusiastic consumers it is now, given that China has
on China as it is the result of with conflicting and competing with high consumption power been increasingly pro-active
Chinese government’s patriotic perspectives on Australia and in the Australian economy, in its efforts to engage Chinese
propaganda. China, or in relation to other but also, and equally notably, migrant communities as
relevant global affairs. For because the Chinese business key assets of its own public
Risk of alienating the instance, China’s state media community in Australia is a key diplomacy agenda.
Chinese community criticise the United States and intermediary in business and
Equally problematically, the Australia for meddling in trade relations between the two The importance of cultivating
mainstream English-language the South China Sea dispute, countries. a deeper level of engagement in
media have more or less related whereas the mainstream Australian public life within the
to Australia’s Chinese-language Australian media criticise China Furthermore, Australia’s Chinese (and broader Asian)
media as the nation’s Other. for its aggressive behaviour in Chinese communities have diaspora cannot be overstated.
There is usually little interest asserting sovereignty rights in been key stakeholders in the The more migrant community
in seeking perspectives and the region. The tensions and long history of racial politics members feel that they are being
information from these media, dilemmas facing individuals in the nation. They have treated with respect and are
except to look for evidence from the Chinese migrant been both victims of, and regarded as equal partners in the
of differences from or even community become at best a advocates against, racism. political and social processes of
hostility towards Australian source of cultural anxiety and At the same time, like every the nation, the more likely they
views, or to try and unearth frustration, at worst a trigger for other community, they are also are to reciprocate this respect
pro-China—and sometimes social disharmony. Situations equally capable of entertaining and egalitarian treatment and
actual Chinese government— such as these can encourage the cultural stereotypes and racial fulfil their own duties and
perspectives. formation of a vicious circle of biases against others. Successful responsibilities as Australia
racism whereby the Australian engagement with the Chinese citizens, and identify with and
Most worrying of all is mainstream media’s coverage community is thus a litmus embrace the democratic values
the tendency, evidenced in of China-related issues may test for the effectiveness of of their adopted country. The
some recent media reports, generate negative and often multiculturalism as a national Chinese community is no
to accuse Chinese migrants visceral sentiments towards policy. As a result, it has become exception to this.
and international students Australia among Chinese a matter of pressing concern to
from China of being agents migrants, whose consequent turn the current tension between Wanning Sun is Professor of
of influence on behalf of sense of grievance—sometimes the Chinese community and the Media and Communication at the
the Chinese government, expressed in emotionally mainstream into an opportunity University of Technology Sydney.
thereby conflating the Chinese charged terms—may incur for building a more inclusive
government with the Chinese further mainstream prejudice multicultural program which, For more information visit:
people, and Chinese citizens against them. as Andrew Jakubowicz, noted
The Giant Awakens: Chinese Government Influence in Australia
behind China’s efforts. Due with diasporic Chinese Chinese as key players in Yet few of these scholar of multiculturalism,
to these blind spots, the communities. Australian public life journalists argues, “validates difference
mainstream English-language To dispel the spectre of such reflect on the while stressing common values
media’s coverage has to some The implications of an a vicious circle is crucial to possibility that associated with universal
extent contributed to fear and ever-expanding Chinese media Australia’s national agenda such pro-Chinese human rights,” and which
anxiety about the implications sector, including digital and of strengthening democracy, nationalism is as encourages rigorous, rational
of China’s rise, rather than social media, in Australia are ensuring economic prosperity, much a response to and respectful dialogue and
seeking to understand and many and complex. To look promoting social cohesion, and their own narrowly debate.
address these sentiments. on the “bright side,” it seems practising effective engagement focused and
Of particular interest to that the Chinese migrant with China. Chinese migrants one-dimensional Finally, political, social, and
mainstream English reporters community in Australia are in Australia are voters reporting on China cultural actors aside, Chinese
are the speeches and actions of “spoiled for choice,” since capable of shaping outcomes as it is the result migrants can be enthusiastic
Chinese individuals who display they have, within their reach, in electoral politics. This is of the Chinese promoters of goodwill on behalf
pro-China nationalism— state Chinese media, Chinese evidenced in the last Federal government’s of Australia in the cultivation of
as in the case of a Chinese migrant media, transnational election, where pro-Coalition patriotic mutually beneficial Australia–
student rally in Melbourne Chinese media from other Chinese voters effectively used propaganda. China relations. To be sure, the
against the Hague’s decision— Chinese migration destinations, WeChat—currently the most Australian government has also
and Australia’s position—on the Chinese-language media widely used Chinese social noted the importance of diapora
China’s sovereignty claims in provided as part of Australia’s media platform—to campaign diplomacy, particularly the need
the South China Sea. Yet few multicultural media (SBS radio, against the Labor Party. Chinese to draw on the linguistic skills,
of these journalists reflect television, and Internet outlets), Australians—whether they social networks, and cultural
on the possibility that such and the mainstream English- realise it or not—have also community connections of
pro-Chinese nationalism is language Australian media. At been active agents on behalf of diasporic communities. But to
as much a response to their the same time, individuals in this economic growth. This is not prosecute this policy effectively
own narrowly-focused and community are sometimes— only because, as individuals, has never been as important as
one-dimensional reporting perhaps often—confronted they are enthusiastic consumers it is now, given that China has
on China as it is the result of with conflicting and competing with high consumption power been increasingly pro-active
Chinese government’s patriotic perspectives on Australia and in the Australian economy, in its efforts to engage Chinese
propaganda. China, or in relation to other but also, and equally notably, migrant communities as
relevant global affairs. For because the Chinese business key assets of its own public
Risk of alienating the instance, China’s state media community in Australia is a key diplomacy agenda.
Chinese community criticise the United States and intermediary in business and
Equally problematically, the Australia for meddling in trade relations between the two The importance of cultivating
mainstream English-language the South China Sea dispute, countries. a deeper level of engagement in
media have more or less related whereas the mainstream Australian public life within the
to Australia’s Chinese-language Australian media criticise China Furthermore, Australia’s Chinese (and broader Asian)
media as the nation’s Other. for its aggressive behaviour in Chinese communities have diaspora cannot be overstated.
There is usually little interest asserting sovereignty rights in been key stakeholders in the The more migrant community
in seeking perspectives and the region. The tensions and long history of racial politics members feel that they are being
information from these media, dilemmas facing individuals in the nation. They have treated with respect and are
except to look for evidence from the Chinese migrant been both victims of, and regarded as equal partners in the
of differences from or even community become at best a advocates against, racism. political and social processes of
hostility towards Australian source of cultural anxiety and At the same time, like every the nation, the more likely they
views, or to try and unearth frustration, at worst a trigger for other community, they are also are to reciprocate this respect
pro-China—and sometimes social disharmony. Situations equally capable of entertaining and egalitarian treatment and
actual Chinese government— such as these can encourage the cultural stereotypes and racial fulfil their own duties and
perspectives. formation of a vicious circle of biases against others. Successful responsibilities as Australia
racism whereby the Australian engagement with the Chinese citizens, and identify with and
Most worrying of all is mainstream media’s coverage community is thus a litmus embrace the democratic values
the tendency, evidenced in of China-related issues may test for the effectiveness of of their adopted country. The
some recent media reports, generate negative and often multiculturalism as a national Chinese community is no
to accuse Chinese migrants visceral sentiments towards policy. As a result, it has become exception to this.
and international students Australia among Chinese a matter of pressing concern to
from China of being agents migrants, whose consequent turn the current tension between Wanning Sun is Professor of
of influence on behalf of sense of grievance—sometimes the Chinese community and the Media and Communication at the
the Chinese government, expressed in emotionally mainstream into an opportunity University of Technology Sydney.
thereby conflating the Chinese charged terms—may incur for building a more inclusive
government with the Chinese further mainstream prejudice multicultural program which, For more information visit:
people, and Chinese citizens against them. as Andrew Jakubowicz, noted
The Giant Awakens: Chinese Government Influence in Australia