Page 5 - The Giant Awakens - A Collection of Insights into Chinese Government Influence in Australia
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is now up to interference, we need to be Beijing has adopted this PHOTO: YAN XIA There is a rare opportunity
the political careful not to assume that the approach towards South Korean now for consensus on this much-
class to decide Chinese Communist Party is all- business interests, yet has not for transparency, but also for needed reform, in the interests
whether there is, powerful. succeeded in its goal of changing significant law reform. of national security, credibility
within Australian Seoul’s stance on missile defence and self-respect.
democracy, The risk is that we will buy cooperation with the United Prime Minister Malcolm
enough the story that our economy is States. Turnbull and Attorney-General Foreign interference in
self-respect to so comprehensively dependent George Brandis have initiated Australia is not solely a national
function without on China that Australia cannot Economic vulnerability is a comprehensive review of security issue.
money linked afford to cause China much often as much about perception Australia’s espionage and foreign
to the Chinese difficulty on security and as reality – and it is in China’s interference laws. It is a fundamental test of
Communist Party. political issues, even when our interests for Australia to imagine Australian social inclusiveness,
This, after all, interests diverge. itself highly vulnerable. This review is vital, as these cohesion, equity and democracy
is a massive, laws seem flimsy and outdated. that we ensure all in this country
secretive, Indeed, perceptions of Already, some voices in have freedom of expression,
self-interested Australia’s vulnerability to business, academia and the It is essential to define what freedom from fear and protection
and foreign Chinese economic pressure are media focus on the possible about foreign interference from untoward intervention by
organisation, with exaggerated. economic impacts of annoying counts as criminal, what is more a foreign power.
interests that China. in the realm of unacceptable
can sometimes Economic pressure from diplomatic practice, and what is So far, 2017 has seemed a
clash directly with China that would have the The perception of economic merely a side-effect of the many bruising year for Australia’s links
Australia’s. biggest impact on Australia – harm can have an outsized effect benefits of global and regional with China.
most notably through iron on domestic interests, creating connectedness.
ore trade – would also impose pressure for rapid political But rather than a crisis, this
restrictive costs on Beijing. compromise. On donations, it seems is a long-overdue reality check,
obvious that we need to get from which a healthier and
Privately or publicly, Beijing If we overreact to any Chinese foreign donations out of our more sustainable relationship
criticises or complains to economic threats and self- political system. Both major can emerge.
Canberra frequently over censor on issues perceived to parties (and indeed the Greens)
multiple issues. be problematic for Beijing, it have committed to the idea, and What we are really seeing in
will not protect Australia from the Joint Standing Committee Australia is a new maturity in
But the accompanying threats further pressure – it will signal on Electoral Matters has looked relations with China, moving
tend to be implicit or general that such pressure works. closely into it. beyond the base motivations
– that the bilateral relationship of fear and greed that have too
will suffer some unspecified As the recent border standoff Again, this needs to be a often distorted our national
deterioration if Australia does with India, and the failure by negotiated, bipartisan solution. conversation about one of the
not heed China’s wishes. Beijing to compel South Korea world’s great civilisations and
to abandon its missile defences It is essential powers.
Even where Canberra has indicates, other countries in to define what
seriously annoyed Beijing, such the region can resist pressures about foreign The new China narrative
as by supporting legal rulings on from China when their interests interference counts is informed by Australian
the South China Sea, Beijing has diverge. as criminal, what is sovereignty, confidence and
not directed economic pressure more in the realm vigilance – and an aspiration
specifically at Australia. For its part, Australia is of unacceptable to build a durable relationship
discovering that its paramount diplomatic practice, grounded in non-interference.
Before Beijing resorted to China challenge is not a few and what is merely
serious economic measures, thousand nautical miles away in a side-effect of the Now the Australian political
entailing costs to itself, it would the South China Sea. It is right many benefits of class is much more willing, more
likely take political steps like here at home. global and regional so than even a year ago, to draw
cancelling diplomatic dialogues. connectedness. the line about unacceptable
So, what do we do about it? levels of foreign influence.
If Beijing felt it needed to The political class needs
send an economic signal to to take a set of decisions in The challenge now is to avoid
reinforce its displeasure, its the interest of Australian complacency. This problem is
initial response would likely sovereignty, in the interest of now out in the open. But it is far
involve non-tariff barriers over Australia’s independent policy, from over.
quarantine and safety standards, to restrict and limit foreign
or making life difficult for influence in Australian decision Professor Rory Medcalf is currently
businesses operating in China, making. the Head of National Security
with limited long-term economic Pressure is building not only College at the Australian National
impact on itself or Australia. University. He was the Director of
the International Security Program
at the Lowy Institute from 2007 to
2015. Prior to that, Professor Medcalf
was a senior strategic analyst with
the Office of National Assessments.
To read more visit:
The Giant Awakens: Chinese Government Influence in Australia 5
the political careful not to assume that the approach towards South Korean now for consensus on this much-
class to decide Chinese Communist Party is all- business interests, yet has not for transparency, but also for needed reform, in the interests
whether there is, powerful. succeeded in its goal of changing significant law reform. of national security, credibility
within Australian Seoul’s stance on missile defence and self-respect.
democracy, The risk is that we will buy cooperation with the United Prime Minister Malcolm
enough the story that our economy is States. Turnbull and Attorney-General Foreign interference in
self-respect to so comprehensively dependent George Brandis have initiated Australia is not solely a national
function without on China that Australia cannot Economic vulnerability is a comprehensive review of security issue.
money linked afford to cause China much often as much about perception Australia’s espionage and foreign
to the Chinese difficulty on security and as reality – and it is in China’s interference laws. It is a fundamental test of
Communist Party. political issues, even when our interests for Australia to imagine Australian social inclusiveness,
This, after all, interests diverge. itself highly vulnerable. This review is vital, as these cohesion, equity and democracy
is a massive, laws seem flimsy and outdated. that we ensure all in this country
secretive, Indeed, perceptions of Already, some voices in have freedom of expression,
self-interested Australia’s vulnerability to business, academia and the It is essential to define what freedom from fear and protection
and foreign Chinese economic pressure are media focus on the possible about foreign interference from untoward intervention by
organisation, with exaggerated. economic impacts of annoying counts as criminal, what is more a foreign power.
interests that China. in the realm of unacceptable
can sometimes Economic pressure from diplomatic practice, and what is So far, 2017 has seemed a
clash directly with China that would have the The perception of economic merely a side-effect of the many bruising year for Australia’s links
Australia’s. biggest impact on Australia – harm can have an outsized effect benefits of global and regional with China.
most notably through iron on domestic interests, creating connectedness.
ore trade – would also impose pressure for rapid political But rather than a crisis, this
restrictive costs on Beijing. compromise. On donations, it seems is a long-overdue reality check,
obvious that we need to get from which a healthier and
Privately or publicly, Beijing If we overreact to any Chinese foreign donations out of our more sustainable relationship
criticises or complains to economic threats and self- political system. Both major can emerge.
Canberra frequently over censor on issues perceived to parties (and indeed the Greens)
multiple issues. be problematic for Beijing, it have committed to the idea, and What we are really seeing in
will not protect Australia from the Joint Standing Committee Australia is a new maturity in
But the accompanying threats further pressure – it will signal on Electoral Matters has looked relations with China, moving
tend to be implicit or general that such pressure works. closely into it. beyond the base motivations
– that the bilateral relationship of fear and greed that have too
will suffer some unspecified As the recent border standoff Again, this needs to be a often distorted our national
deterioration if Australia does with India, and the failure by negotiated, bipartisan solution. conversation about one of the
not heed China’s wishes. Beijing to compel South Korea world’s great civilisations and
to abandon its missile defences It is essential powers.
Even where Canberra has indicates, other countries in to define what
seriously annoyed Beijing, such the region can resist pressures about foreign The new China narrative
as by supporting legal rulings on from China when their interests interference counts is informed by Australian
the South China Sea, Beijing has diverge. as criminal, what is sovereignty, confidence and
not directed economic pressure more in the realm vigilance – and an aspiration
specifically at Australia. For its part, Australia is of unacceptable to build a durable relationship
discovering that its paramount diplomatic practice, grounded in non-interference.
Before Beijing resorted to China challenge is not a few and what is merely
serious economic measures, thousand nautical miles away in a side-effect of the Now the Australian political
entailing costs to itself, it would the South China Sea. It is right many benefits of class is much more willing, more
likely take political steps like here at home. global and regional so than even a year ago, to draw
cancelling diplomatic dialogues. connectedness. the line about unacceptable
So, what do we do about it? levels of foreign influence.
If Beijing felt it needed to The political class needs
send an economic signal to to take a set of decisions in The challenge now is to avoid
reinforce its displeasure, its the interest of Australian complacency. This problem is
initial response would likely sovereignty, in the interest of now out in the open. But it is far
involve non-tariff barriers over Australia’s independent policy, from over.
quarantine and safety standards, to restrict and limit foreign
or making life difficult for influence in Australian decision Professor Rory Medcalf is currently
businesses operating in China, making. the Head of National Security
with limited long-term economic Pressure is building not only College at the Australian National
impact on itself or Australia. University. He was the Director of
the International Security Program
at the Lowy Institute from 2007 to
2015. Prior to that, Professor Medcalf
was a senior strategic analyst with
the Office of National Assessments.
To read more visit:
The Giant Awakens: Chinese Government Influence in Australia 5