Page 6 - The Giant Awakens - A Collection of Insights into Chinese Government Influence in Australia
P. 6
Party Time:
It’s About Values, Not Race
Over the last year we
JAMES LEIBOLD have been engaged safeguard the Party’s authority,’ peacefully with an increasingly focus, in contrast, should be on
in a frank, and at while citizens are blocked from powerful China. Others, such as any meddling by the Chinese
We need to times contentious, debate over freely surfing the internet for the wealthy businessmen Huang Communist Party and its often
stop speaking ‘Chinese influence’ in Australia. ideas and values that might Xiangmo feel ‘malignant tumors’ shadowy organs in our society.
about ‘Chinese Some would have us believe that contradict the Party’s view, or of racism and McCarthyism runs Our small democracy can ill
influence’ in ‘Chinese values’ are different threaten its rule. throughout Australian society, afford to have Party operatives
Australia.... Our from those espoused by most making it hard for Australians of and their allies tell us how to
focus, in contrast, Australians. In other words, that Yet the desire for freedom, Chinese descent to contribute to think and act.
should be on race and culture predetermines equality and justice are not the political process.
any meddling our beliefs, opening the way for limited to a single country Our economic dependence
by the Chinese a unique ‘China model’. or race. In 1948, the Chinese When discussing ‘Chinese on China and the growing
Communist Party educator Chang Peng-chun influence’ in Australia, the race economic clout of the Chinese
and its often This model will be on display helped to draft a core set of issue is always lurking in the Communist Party puts Australia
shadowy organs next month when delegates universal values, which were background, and needs to be in a tight spot. We cannot turn
in our society. of the 86 million-member debated and then endorsed by addressed head-on. our back on China. Rather, we
Chinese Communist Party forty-eight countries across the need to work closely with those
6 gather in Beijing for its 19th globe, including culturally and First, we need to acknowledge who desire a more open, free
Party Congress. Here Xi Jinping, racially diverse countries like the long history of racism in and tolerant China, regardless of
the leader of this authoritarian Australia, Egypt and China, Australia as it relates to people where they reside.
Party-state system, will remind in the form of the Universal of Chinese heritage and other
his citizens that the Party’s Declaration of Human Rights. non-whites. The White Australia At the same time, we must be
dream is China’s dream, and call policy continues to casts a long willing to say no: to stand up for
on people of Chinese ancestry, Many of these values – such shadow despite the successes of these universal values even if
regardless of where they live, to as freedom of speech, assembly, our multicultural society today. it hurts our economic bottom-
work towards the great revival of and religion – are enshrined in We must openly acknowledge line; to defend those values
the Chinese race. the Constitution of the People’s this past and work to ameliorate that Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo
Republic of China. Yet, in Xi’s the structural racism and was willing to die for. Moral
Xi and other Chinese Communist China, these rights are frequently inequalities that still mars our relativism can end in a cul-de-
Party leaders frequently appeal violated, with constitutionalism society today. sac of delusion and tyranny.
to racial ties when calling on now defined as one of the seven
the overseas Chinese to actively forbidden topics. Second, we need to include The alternative is life in a place
contribute to this venerable more Chinese voices in our like Xi’s China where freedoms
mission. In June, Premier Li The values of the Chinese conversation about the changes are circumscribed in the name
Keqiang told overseas Chinese Communist Party – not its re-shaping Australia, and many of stability, and one’s dreams are
business leaders that ‘the people – are incompatible with of the serious issues our country monitored by an authoritarian
Chinese race is a big family, with these universal truths. There currently faces. At present, Party-state.
the sentimental attachment to are many Chinese supporters white male voices (like my
one’s country, motherland and and defenders of these rights, own) still dominate the public Moral relativism
ancestral home surging through including Australian academic discourse. We must actively can end in a
the veins of every descendant of Feng Chongyi, jailed Hong Kong encourage, even legislate for, cul-de-sac of
the Fiery Emperor and Yellow student leader Joshua Wong, more participation by women delusion and
Emperor’. Taiwanese activist Lee Ming- and non-white men in our tyranny.
cheh, and the over 360 human public life. If we really espouse
The Communist Party speaks rights lawyers and activists a universal set of values, all James Leibold is Associate Professor
of a strong and wealthy China, detained or imprisoned on the elements of Australian society in Politics and Asian Studies at
one where the authority of the Chinese mainland over the past need to help articulate them. La Trobe University. These are his
party is beyond question. In Xi’s two years. personal views and do not represent
China, citizens are prohibited Finally, we need to stop those of his university. Dr Leibold’s
from discussing seven ‘false The Australian National speaking about ‘Chinese work can be accessed at:
ideological positions,’ including University strategist, Professor influence’ in Australia. The ZY7Tt3
universal values such as freedom, Hugh White, claims, ‘China’s over one million residents of
democracy and basic human values are very different Chinese ancestry are part of
rights. The media is told they from ours,’ while suggesting the rich fabric of Australian
must ‘reflect the Party’s will and that Australia might need life. They have long made
to negotiate its own rather significant contributions to our
‘vague’ values if we want to live growth and prosperity. Our
2017 Vision Times Special Edition
Party Time:
It’s About Values, Not Race
Over the last year we
JAMES LEIBOLD have been engaged safeguard the Party’s authority,’ peacefully with an increasingly focus, in contrast, should be on
in a frank, and at while citizens are blocked from powerful China. Others, such as any meddling by the Chinese
We need to times contentious, debate over freely surfing the internet for the wealthy businessmen Huang Communist Party and its often
stop speaking ‘Chinese influence’ in Australia. ideas and values that might Xiangmo feel ‘malignant tumors’ shadowy organs in our society.
about ‘Chinese Some would have us believe that contradict the Party’s view, or of racism and McCarthyism runs Our small democracy can ill
influence’ in ‘Chinese values’ are different threaten its rule. throughout Australian society, afford to have Party operatives
Australia.... Our from those espoused by most making it hard for Australians of and their allies tell us how to
focus, in contrast, Australians. In other words, that Yet the desire for freedom, Chinese descent to contribute to think and act.
should be on race and culture predetermines equality and justice are not the political process.
any meddling our beliefs, opening the way for limited to a single country Our economic dependence
by the Chinese a unique ‘China model’. or race. In 1948, the Chinese When discussing ‘Chinese on China and the growing
Communist Party educator Chang Peng-chun influence’ in Australia, the race economic clout of the Chinese
and its often This model will be on display helped to draft a core set of issue is always lurking in the Communist Party puts Australia
shadowy organs next month when delegates universal values, which were background, and needs to be in a tight spot. We cannot turn
in our society. of the 86 million-member debated and then endorsed by addressed head-on. our back on China. Rather, we
Chinese Communist Party forty-eight countries across the need to work closely with those
6 gather in Beijing for its 19th globe, including culturally and First, we need to acknowledge who desire a more open, free
Party Congress. Here Xi Jinping, racially diverse countries like the long history of racism in and tolerant China, regardless of
the leader of this authoritarian Australia, Egypt and China, Australia as it relates to people where they reside.
Party-state system, will remind in the form of the Universal of Chinese heritage and other
his citizens that the Party’s Declaration of Human Rights. non-whites. The White Australia At the same time, we must be
dream is China’s dream, and call policy continues to casts a long willing to say no: to stand up for
on people of Chinese ancestry, Many of these values – such shadow despite the successes of these universal values even if
regardless of where they live, to as freedom of speech, assembly, our multicultural society today. it hurts our economic bottom-
work towards the great revival of and religion – are enshrined in We must openly acknowledge line; to defend those values
the Chinese race. the Constitution of the People’s this past and work to ameliorate that Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo
Republic of China. Yet, in Xi’s the structural racism and was willing to die for. Moral
Xi and other Chinese Communist China, these rights are frequently inequalities that still mars our relativism can end in a cul-de-
Party leaders frequently appeal violated, with constitutionalism society today. sac of delusion and tyranny.
to racial ties when calling on now defined as one of the seven
the overseas Chinese to actively forbidden topics. Second, we need to include The alternative is life in a place
contribute to this venerable more Chinese voices in our like Xi’s China where freedoms
mission. In June, Premier Li The values of the Chinese conversation about the changes are circumscribed in the name
Keqiang told overseas Chinese Communist Party – not its re-shaping Australia, and many of stability, and one’s dreams are
business leaders that ‘the people – are incompatible with of the serious issues our country monitored by an authoritarian
Chinese race is a big family, with these universal truths. There currently faces. At present, Party-state.
the sentimental attachment to are many Chinese supporters white male voices (like my
one’s country, motherland and and defenders of these rights, own) still dominate the public Moral relativism
ancestral home surging through including Australian academic discourse. We must actively can end in a
the veins of every descendant of Feng Chongyi, jailed Hong Kong encourage, even legislate for, cul-de-sac of
the Fiery Emperor and Yellow student leader Joshua Wong, more participation by women delusion and
Emperor’. Taiwanese activist Lee Ming- and non-white men in our tyranny.
cheh, and the over 360 human public life. If we really espouse
The Communist Party speaks rights lawyers and activists a universal set of values, all James Leibold is Associate Professor
of a strong and wealthy China, detained or imprisoned on the elements of Australian society in Politics and Asian Studies at
one where the authority of the Chinese mainland over the past need to help articulate them. La Trobe University. These are his
party is beyond question. In Xi’s two years. personal views and do not represent
China, citizens are prohibited Finally, we need to stop those of his university. Dr Leibold’s
from discussing seven ‘false The Australian National speaking about ‘Chinese work can be accessed at:
ideological positions,’ including University strategist, Professor influence’ in Australia. The ZY7Tt3
universal values such as freedom, Hugh White, claims, ‘China’s over one million residents of
democracy and basic human values are very different Chinese ancestry are part of
rights. The media is told they from ours,’ while suggesting the rich fabric of Australian
must ‘reflect the Party’s will and that Australia might need life. They have long made
to negotiate its own rather significant contributions to our
‘vague’ values if we want to live growth and prosperity. Our
2017 Vision Times Special Edition