Page 12 - The Giant Awakens - A Collection of Insights into Chinese Government Influence in Australia
P. 12
Chinese State Infiltration:
The Inside Story
yonglin chen Mo r e t h a n t e n marginalised, and even former asset. What makes Australians donor who she knows well set
years ago, as a Prime Minister Paul Keating has even more astonished is that the up a company in the Minister’s
China’s thirteen- diplomat with suggested that Australia should leasing company Landbridge name, the Julie Bishop Glorious
year-long China’s Consulate-General, be more independent in its Group has a Chinese military Foundation, but never raised it
campaign to win I personally exposed the foreign policy. background. with her on the many occasions
Australia’s military Chinese Communist Party’s that they met?”
compliance has intr usion on Australia’s We have s e en t his In addition, Australia’s natural
succeeded. sovereignty and publicly ‘independence’ play out already. and energy resources would play On the other side of the
relinquished my post. In light In recent years, China has been a key role in providing steady political spectrum, former
Its goal: of current media coverage of in a territorial dispute with supplies to China to guarantee Secretary-General of the NSW
Strategic the same unresolved issues, I the Philippines to compete its economic development for Labor Party and Federal Senator
cooperation feel it important to revisit them for marine resources and to the next twenty years. China has Sam Dastyari has recently been
during conflict. again here. My hope is that all strengthen its military forces in already realised this fundamental revealed on ABC News as the
Its method: Australians will then be better the Spratly islands and the South goal. We can see huge amounts key contact person for Chinese
Diplomacy and equipped to resist the Chinese China Sea. The Philippines then of resources, such as minerals tycoon Huang Xiangmo.
territory grabs. Communist Party’s insidious filed a lawsuit to the International from West Australia and South
The result: influence and to safeguard Court of Justice in The Hague Australia, as well as large Dastyari personally received
Vast losses to their people and all that they for arbitration. China’s presence stretches of grazing land, have money from Huang Xiangmo
security and value b efore it’s to o late. I in Darwin during this conflict been purchased by Chinese and so has the Labor Party. As
pre-established see four broad categories of has posed a great threat to government-owned enterprises a result, Dastyari spoke publicly
international concern at play here: military/ the US-Australia alliance and and wealthy Chinese families in favor of China regarding
alliances. strategy, political, economic and Australian national strategy. connected with Chinese territorial issues in the South
cultural. The Chinese Communist Communist Party power groups. China Sea, and what he said
12 Party has used these areas to A Chinese-government owned Political Infiltration: was in direct contradiction to
intentionally corrupt Australia’s company gained the lease Stripping democratic the Labor Party’s foreign policy
character and those things that of Darwin Port for 99 years. integrity and Australia’s national interests.
make us proud: our sovereignty, Darwin Harbour and Cairns are China has bought off many Foreign Minister Bishop accused
our democracy, our fair go ethic the two most important military Australian officials and the Labor Party in Parliament on
and our freedom of speech. And bases in the north of Australia, politicians, and the effect of such June 13, 2017, saying, ‘We now
all this, for their own ends. It as Australia has a natural barrier bribery has affected the normal know that Senator Dastyari’s
must be stopped. in the south and only a few operation of the Australian about-face on the South China
neighboring countries in the government – leading to policy Sea had a price tag attached to it
Military Infiltration: north. Darwin Harbour is the and strategic mistakes. Both – indeed a reported $400,000 was
Stripping sovereignty most important passageway for major parties in Australia all it took for Senator Dastyari
China’s thirteen-year-long foreign invasion, so whether are now seriously affected by to trash Labor’s official foreign
campaign to win Australia’s in terms of traditional military political donations from China. policy position.’
military compliance has strategy or modern strategy,
succeeded. Its goal: strategic the two harbours are extremely Foreign Minister Julie Bishop Director-General of the
cooperation during conflict. Its important as military bases. was recently questioned in Australian Security Intelligence
method: diplomacy and territory Parliament by Labor MPs as Organisation (ASIO), Duncan
grabs. The result: vast losses to It is thus very surprising to why a company related to a Lewis, has tried to address this
security and pre-established that, when the Australian Liberal Party political donor problem, but to no avail. He
international alliances. government and the Defence had set up a fund in her name issued a secret briefing to senior
Ministry were consulted about titled ‘Julie Bishop Glorious officials of the three major
Although China has strategic the lease, they agreed without Foundation.’ political parties in Australia,
partnerships with numerous hesitation. However, when the with particular concern about
countries, many Western media announced the deal, there The political donor in question two migrant billionaires from
countries have not really engaged was quite a big uproar in the is mining giant Sally Zou, mainland China: Huang
in practical strategic cooperation Australian public. That a military who developed four mines in Xiangmo and Zhou Zerong (also
with it. However, China has base in Darwin Harbour could Australia and signed a ‘potential known as Chau Chak Wing),
made significant progress in this be so easily handed over is a $100 billion’ agreement with who had donated approximately
respect with regards to Australia. fact that has touched the nerves China National Gold Group $6.7 million to Australian
of many Australian elites. They Corporation on March 21, 2017. political parties. However, his
Communist China’s strategic recognise that Australia’s most According to The Australian, warnings were ignored, and the
short-term goal has been to important national security Zou donated $460,000 to the parties have continued to accept
persuade Australia not to act interests have been sold off. Liberal Party between 2015 and their donations: The Coalition
on the US-Australia Security 2016. has received $897,960 and the
Treaty if there were ever war Ninety-nine years is more Labor Party $200,000.
in the Taiwan Strait, and to than a lifetime for humans. This Bishop admitted to meeting Economic Infiltration:
encourage Australia to be more means that a whole generation with Zou many times, but Stripping our goodwill
independent in its military and of Australian people will not denied any knowledge of the Lured by power-for-money,
foreign policies. The US-Australia see the return of Darwin Port Foundation. Labor backbencher the former Australian Trade
Security Treaty has been largely in their lifetime, or even the Matt Keogh asked Bishop, “Does Minister Andrew Robb signed
next one or two generations. For the Minister seriously expect the China-Australia Free Trade
the Australian people, Darwin the house to believe a Liberal
Harbour is no different to a sold
2017 Vision Times Special Edition
The Inside Story
yonglin chen Mo r e t h a n t e n marginalised, and even former asset. What makes Australians donor who she knows well set
years ago, as a Prime Minister Paul Keating has even more astonished is that the up a company in the Minister’s
China’s thirteen- diplomat with suggested that Australia should leasing company Landbridge name, the Julie Bishop Glorious
year-long China’s Consulate-General, be more independent in its Group has a Chinese military Foundation, but never raised it
campaign to win I personally exposed the foreign policy. background. with her on the many occasions
Australia’s military Chinese Communist Party’s that they met?”
compliance has intr usion on Australia’s We have s e en t his In addition, Australia’s natural
succeeded. sovereignty and publicly ‘independence’ play out already. and energy resources would play On the other side of the
relinquished my post. In light In recent years, China has been a key role in providing steady political spectrum, former
Its goal: of current media coverage of in a territorial dispute with supplies to China to guarantee Secretary-General of the NSW
Strategic the same unresolved issues, I the Philippines to compete its economic development for Labor Party and Federal Senator
cooperation feel it important to revisit them for marine resources and to the next twenty years. China has Sam Dastyari has recently been
during conflict. again here. My hope is that all strengthen its military forces in already realised this fundamental revealed on ABC News as the
Its method: Australians will then be better the Spratly islands and the South goal. We can see huge amounts key contact person for Chinese
Diplomacy and equipped to resist the Chinese China Sea. The Philippines then of resources, such as minerals tycoon Huang Xiangmo.
territory grabs. Communist Party’s insidious filed a lawsuit to the International from West Australia and South
The result: influence and to safeguard Court of Justice in The Hague Australia, as well as large Dastyari personally received
Vast losses to their people and all that they for arbitration. China’s presence stretches of grazing land, have money from Huang Xiangmo
security and value b efore it’s to o late. I in Darwin during this conflict been purchased by Chinese and so has the Labor Party. As
pre-established see four broad categories of has posed a great threat to government-owned enterprises a result, Dastyari spoke publicly
international concern at play here: military/ the US-Australia alliance and and wealthy Chinese families in favor of China regarding
alliances. strategy, political, economic and Australian national strategy. connected with Chinese territorial issues in the South
cultural. The Chinese Communist Communist Party power groups. China Sea, and what he said
12 Party has used these areas to A Chinese-government owned Political Infiltration: was in direct contradiction to
intentionally corrupt Australia’s company gained the lease Stripping democratic the Labor Party’s foreign policy
character and those things that of Darwin Port for 99 years. integrity and Australia’s national interests.
make us proud: our sovereignty, Darwin Harbour and Cairns are China has bought off many Foreign Minister Bishop accused
our democracy, our fair go ethic the two most important military Australian officials and the Labor Party in Parliament on
and our freedom of speech. And bases in the north of Australia, politicians, and the effect of such June 13, 2017, saying, ‘We now
all this, for their own ends. It as Australia has a natural barrier bribery has affected the normal know that Senator Dastyari’s
must be stopped. in the south and only a few operation of the Australian about-face on the South China
neighboring countries in the government – leading to policy Sea had a price tag attached to it
Military Infiltration: north. Darwin Harbour is the and strategic mistakes. Both – indeed a reported $400,000 was
Stripping sovereignty most important passageway for major parties in Australia all it took for Senator Dastyari
China’s thirteen-year-long foreign invasion, so whether are now seriously affected by to trash Labor’s official foreign
campaign to win Australia’s in terms of traditional military political donations from China. policy position.’
military compliance has strategy or modern strategy,
succeeded. Its goal: strategic the two harbours are extremely Foreign Minister Julie Bishop Director-General of the
cooperation during conflict. Its important as military bases. was recently questioned in Australian Security Intelligence
method: diplomacy and territory Parliament by Labor MPs as Organisation (ASIO), Duncan
grabs. The result: vast losses to It is thus very surprising to why a company related to a Lewis, has tried to address this
security and pre-established that, when the Australian Liberal Party political donor problem, but to no avail. He
international alliances. government and the Defence had set up a fund in her name issued a secret briefing to senior
Ministry were consulted about titled ‘Julie Bishop Glorious officials of the three major
Although China has strategic the lease, they agreed without Foundation.’ political parties in Australia,
partnerships with numerous hesitation. However, when the with particular concern about
countries, many Western media announced the deal, there The political donor in question two migrant billionaires from
countries have not really engaged was quite a big uproar in the is mining giant Sally Zou, mainland China: Huang
in practical strategic cooperation Australian public. That a military who developed four mines in Xiangmo and Zhou Zerong (also
with it. However, China has base in Darwin Harbour could Australia and signed a ‘potential known as Chau Chak Wing),
made significant progress in this be so easily handed over is a $100 billion’ agreement with who had donated approximately
respect with regards to Australia. fact that has touched the nerves China National Gold Group $6.7 million to Australian
of many Australian elites. They Corporation on March 21, 2017. political parties. However, his
Communist China’s strategic recognise that Australia’s most According to The Australian, warnings were ignored, and the
short-term goal has been to important national security Zou donated $460,000 to the parties have continued to accept
persuade Australia not to act interests have been sold off. Liberal Party between 2015 and their donations: The Coalition
on the US-Australia Security 2016. has received $897,960 and the
Treaty if there were ever war Ninety-nine years is more Labor Party $200,000.
in the Taiwan Strait, and to than a lifetime for humans. This Bishop admitted to meeting Economic Infiltration:
encourage Australia to be more means that a whole generation with Zou many times, but Stripping our goodwill
independent in its military and of Australian people will not denied any knowledge of the Lured by power-for-money,
foreign policies. The US-Australia see the return of Darwin Port Foundation. Labor backbencher the former Australian Trade
Security Treaty has been largely in their lifetime, or even the Matt Keogh asked Bishop, “Does Minister Andrew Robb signed
next one or two generations. For the Minister seriously expect the China-Australia Free Trade
the Australian people, Darwin the house to believe a Liberal
Harbour is no different to a sold
2017 Vision Times Special Edition