Page 16 - The Giant Awakens - A Collection of Insights into Chinese Government Influence in Australia
P. 16
Our Future Is Shaped By
the Freedoms We Uphold
JOHN The recent ABC Four at the Asian Health Expo in PRESSURE BY DECREE In August 2015, the Sydney
DELLER Corners investigation Beijing Mr. Li was awarded the This persecution extended to Morning Herald reported that
'Power and Influence,’ Most Acclaimed Qigong Master Australia. “Good relations” with the Chinese Consul-General in
If as a nation, and accompanying reports award and in March 1995 Mr. China, including trade, were Sydney, Li Huaxin, had written
Australia focuses published in Fairfax media Li was invited by the Chinese linked to Australia’s acquiescence to the president of the NSW
on an ethical have shed light on how the ambassador to introduce Falun to the Chinese Communist Legislative Council, Don Harwin
and moral base Chinese Communist Party is Gong at the Chinese Embassy in Party’s line on Falun Gong. and asked him to forward the
for trade, and infiltrating Australia. In 2016 at France. In 1998 the State Sports This was emphasised in March correspondence to all NSW
gives voice to a China Matters conference in Commission estimated that 2002 during a press conference MPs. The Consul General’s
the values of Perth WA, Stephen FitzGerald, a upwards of 70 million people in Australia, when China’s then letter described Falun Gong as
our democracy former Australian ambassador to practising Falun Gong in China, Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan a “downright anti-China group”
and way of China, also noted that Chinese including government officials, told Australia to refrain from and pressed MPs not to attend
life, despite Communist Party-directed officers in the armed forces, and supporting the activities of Falun a briefing at NSW Parliament
protestations interventions in Australia are university lecturers. Gong to preserve friendly and House on international human
from a foreign “challenging fundamentals cooperative relations with China organ harvesting and trafficking.
power, then of our system like freedom However, former Chinese from being damaged in any way. Nine State MP’s, who had
Australia may of speech and the media and Communist leader Jiang Zemin previously confirmed their
prosper on its enquiry, and the very validity of opposed the popularity of Falun During Tang’s visit, the then attendance, then cancelled after
own terms. our political system.” Gong and its renewal of an Foreign Minister Alexander receipt of the Consul General’s
This challenge to our freedoms ancient spiritual discipline in the Downer issued certificates to letter.
in Australia is well-known to Chinese tradition of “cultivation” prevent Falun Gong protestors
many Australians of Chinese or “self-improvement” based on from having fixed or large In addition to being the
and non-Chinese background the principles of truthfulness, banners across the street representative body for Falun
who practice the meditation compassion, and forbearance from the Chinese Embassy in Dafa (Falun Gong) in Australia,
discipline Falun Gong (also (Zhen, Shan, Ren in Chinese). Canberra. By August 2002, an the Falun Dafa Association
known as Falun Dafa), since Australian-based consortium is the local presenter of the
the persecution of Falun Gong To support his campaign to had a contract to supply China New York-based Shen Yun
began in China in July 1999. eliminate Falun Gong, Jiang with liquefied natural gas worth Performing Arts on its annual
It is not widely known implemented a massive media up to $25 billion. The issuing global tour.
that Falun Gong was initially operation to demonise Falun of Mr. Downer’s certificates did
supported by the Chinese Gong to all levels of society not cease until December 2006, Shen Yun’s efforts to revive
government following its throughout China. after a legal challenge by Falun China’s traditional culture,
public introduction by Mr Li Gong practitioners in the ACT which is in essence a culture of
Hongzhi in 1992. The teachings In addition, Jiang also Supreme Court proved a success. cultivation of one’s inner self
of Falun Gong emphasize directed Chinese Embassy within the lineage of Buddhist,
ethical behaviour, high moral and Consular staff to spread State Members of Parliament Taoist and Confucian teachings,
standards, personal growth, the official anti-Falun Gong have also been directly pressured has met with ongoing harassment
and responsibility for one’s own propaganda to government by Chinese Consulates in from the Chinese Communist
actions. In December 1993 leaders and influential Australia to not have any contact regime. This is because Shen
people throughout the world, with Falun Gong. Yun presents the spiritual depth
PHOTO: SUPPLIED extending the persecution of traditional Chinese culture
outside of China. In 2007, The Age newspaper which the Chinese Communist
in Melbourne reported that Party has sought to eliminate,
in August 2006 Victor Perton, and because Shen Yun was
a Liberal member of State established in 2006 by artists
Parliament at the time, had who practised Falun Dafa.
sent an email to all 128 state
MPs, inviting them to a briefing The Chinese Embassy and
on a report about allegations Consulates in Australia also
of organ harvesting in China. pressure Members of Parliament
Within hours, the Chinese and theatre managers around
Consul-General in Melbourne, Australia not to attend or accept
Liang Shugen, apparently had bookings for Shen Yun shows.
a copy of Perton’s email. What
surprised Perton was that In March 2008, The Age
one of his colleagues would reported that the Chinese
send his email straight to the Consul-General in Melbourne
Consul-General and that the wrote to Victorian politicians
Consul-General then sent an urging them not to accept
email to all state MPs, pressing invitations to see the classical
them not to attend the briefing. Chinese dance performance Shen
Yun and stated, “In view of the
16 2017 Vision Times Special Edition
the Freedoms We Uphold
JOHN The recent ABC Four at the Asian Health Expo in PRESSURE BY DECREE In August 2015, the Sydney
DELLER Corners investigation Beijing Mr. Li was awarded the This persecution extended to Morning Herald reported that
'Power and Influence,’ Most Acclaimed Qigong Master Australia. “Good relations” with the Chinese Consul-General in
If as a nation, and accompanying reports award and in March 1995 Mr. China, including trade, were Sydney, Li Huaxin, had written
Australia focuses published in Fairfax media Li was invited by the Chinese linked to Australia’s acquiescence to the president of the NSW
on an ethical have shed light on how the ambassador to introduce Falun to the Chinese Communist Legislative Council, Don Harwin
and moral base Chinese Communist Party is Gong at the Chinese Embassy in Party’s line on Falun Gong. and asked him to forward the
for trade, and infiltrating Australia. In 2016 at France. In 1998 the State Sports This was emphasised in March correspondence to all NSW
gives voice to a China Matters conference in Commission estimated that 2002 during a press conference MPs. The Consul General’s
the values of Perth WA, Stephen FitzGerald, a upwards of 70 million people in Australia, when China’s then letter described Falun Gong as
our democracy former Australian ambassador to practising Falun Gong in China, Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan a “downright anti-China group”
and way of China, also noted that Chinese including government officials, told Australia to refrain from and pressed MPs not to attend
life, despite Communist Party-directed officers in the armed forces, and supporting the activities of Falun a briefing at NSW Parliament
protestations interventions in Australia are university lecturers. Gong to preserve friendly and House on international human
from a foreign “challenging fundamentals cooperative relations with China organ harvesting and trafficking.
power, then of our system like freedom However, former Chinese from being damaged in any way. Nine State MP’s, who had
Australia may of speech and the media and Communist leader Jiang Zemin previously confirmed their
prosper on its enquiry, and the very validity of opposed the popularity of Falun During Tang’s visit, the then attendance, then cancelled after
own terms. our political system.” Gong and its renewal of an Foreign Minister Alexander receipt of the Consul General’s
This challenge to our freedoms ancient spiritual discipline in the Downer issued certificates to letter.
in Australia is well-known to Chinese tradition of “cultivation” prevent Falun Gong protestors
many Australians of Chinese or “self-improvement” based on from having fixed or large In addition to being the
and non-Chinese background the principles of truthfulness, banners across the street representative body for Falun
who practice the meditation compassion, and forbearance from the Chinese Embassy in Dafa (Falun Gong) in Australia,
discipline Falun Gong (also (Zhen, Shan, Ren in Chinese). Canberra. By August 2002, an the Falun Dafa Association
known as Falun Dafa), since Australian-based consortium is the local presenter of the
the persecution of Falun Gong To support his campaign to had a contract to supply China New York-based Shen Yun
began in China in July 1999. eliminate Falun Gong, Jiang with liquefied natural gas worth Performing Arts on its annual
It is not widely known implemented a massive media up to $25 billion. The issuing global tour.
that Falun Gong was initially operation to demonise Falun of Mr. Downer’s certificates did
supported by the Chinese Gong to all levels of society not cease until December 2006, Shen Yun’s efforts to revive
government following its throughout China. after a legal challenge by Falun China’s traditional culture,
public introduction by Mr Li Gong practitioners in the ACT which is in essence a culture of
Hongzhi in 1992. The teachings In addition, Jiang also Supreme Court proved a success. cultivation of one’s inner self
of Falun Gong emphasize directed Chinese Embassy within the lineage of Buddhist,
ethical behaviour, high moral and Consular staff to spread State Members of Parliament Taoist and Confucian teachings,
standards, personal growth, the official anti-Falun Gong have also been directly pressured has met with ongoing harassment
and responsibility for one’s own propaganda to government by Chinese Consulates in from the Chinese Communist
actions. In December 1993 leaders and influential Australia to not have any contact regime. This is because Shen
people throughout the world, with Falun Gong. Yun presents the spiritual depth
PHOTO: SUPPLIED extending the persecution of traditional Chinese culture
outside of China. In 2007, The Age newspaper which the Chinese Communist
in Melbourne reported that Party has sought to eliminate,
in August 2006 Victor Perton, and because Shen Yun was
a Liberal member of State established in 2006 by artists
Parliament at the time, had who practised Falun Dafa.
sent an email to all 128 state
MPs, inviting them to a briefing The Chinese Embassy and
on a report about allegations Consulates in Australia also
of organ harvesting in China. pressure Members of Parliament
Within hours, the Chinese and theatre managers around
Consul-General in Melbourne, Australia not to attend or accept
Liang Shugen, apparently had bookings for Shen Yun shows.
a copy of Perton’s email. What
surprised Perton was that In March 2008, The Age
one of his colleagues would reported that the Chinese
send his email straight to the Consul-General in Melbourne
Consul-General and that the wrote to Victorian politicians
Consul-General then sent an urging them not to accept
email to all state MPs, pressing invitations to see the classical
them not to attend the briefing. Chinese dance performance Shen
Yun and stated, “In view of the
16 2017 Vision Times Special Edition