Page 15 - The Giant Awakens - A Collection of Insights into Chinese Government Influence in Australia
P. 15
The extensive reach of the party-state is
silencing and intimidating alternative voices in
the Australian-Chinese community that do not
adhere to the Party line. This is unacceptable.
Against Chinese Illiberalism
ADAM NI The rising influence of freedom of speech, association, of the party-state on Australian Australian care? Every one of
the Chinese Communist and religion to its citizens. soil. us should care because Beijing’s
An enduring Party in Australia is It allows no independent propaganda and political
Australia- challenging Australian judiciary and media, and Increasingly, Beijing is operations in Australia run
China relationship institutions, values and the very few independent civic exporting its illiberal values and counter to the liberal values
cannot be built way we live. This influence organisations. The Party seeks toxic nationalism to Australia under pinning Austra lia’s
on trade and can and often does affect to control everything through through propaganda and democratic society. Each
investment flows Australian political and a combination of propaganda, political operations. In addition time we acquiesce to Beijing’s
alone. In the economic deliberations and brute force, and economic to allegations of interference bullying and decide not to speak
longer term, this public opinion. It also manifests incentives. It crushes dissents through political donations out against China’s violation of
relationship needs in the way that Australian with cruel efficiency when it by Party-linked businessmen, human rights and international
to be based on governments, companies and feels threatened, and suffers the Chinese Government is norms, we are helping to feed
mutual trust and public institutions behave in no opposition to its political also expanding its hold on the the fire of illiberalism. Each
respect for the dealing with China. orthodoxy. This is the reality of a Chinese-language media in time we stay silent when
liberal values that China governed by the Chinese Australia. It aims to silence Beijing violates the rights of an
sit at the heart of When our political and Communist Party. dissenting voices in the Australian, our freedom as a
Australian society. business leaders stay silent in Australian-Chinese community people is diminished. By staying
the face of Chinese violations While China has done well and use it as a leverage to shift silent, we are turning away from
of human rights, international economically in recent years, wider public opinion and the liberal values that sit at the
norms or Australian interests, the regime continues to oppress affect political deliberations in core of the Australian way of life.
they are sending a clear message its citizens through violation its favour. Sadly, most of the
of acquiescence. Not only are of their basic human rights. Chinese-language media have What can we do about it? We
they saying it is okay for China These are the rights that we been pulled into China’s orbit to should clearly point out Beijing’s
to act in a certain way, but the take for granted in the liberal a more or lesser degree because abuse of Australian hospitality
decision of acquiescence is West, such as the rights of of economic incentives and and its discrimination of the
changing who we are as a people political participation, assembly, pressure from the Party. The Australian-Chinese community
and the values we espouse as a worship, and free speech. In extensive reach of the Party-state through censorship and attempts
nation. fact, the freedom of thought is silencing and intimidating at political control. We should
and expression has shrunk alternative voices in the speak out with a loud voice.
It is time for a frank significantly in recent years Australian-Chinese community Our choice to speak out against
conversation about Chinese under China’s current leader, that do not adhere to the Party B eijing’s illiberalism is not
propaganda and political Xi Jinping. This includes tighter line. This is unacceptable. without cost. In fact, it may well
operations in Australia. The control of media, universities have very real economic and
stakes have never been higher. and cyberspace. In addition to controlling and political costs for Australia. But
The cost of turning a blind censoring news media, the Party an enduring Australia-China
eye to these operations carries The ‘China Dream’ espoused also tightly controls and censors relationship cannot be built
detrimental consequences for by Xi is a dream of a powerful social media platforms such as on trade and investment flows
Australia’s national interests, Chinese state. It is a vision of WeChat and Weibo. This means alone. In the longer term, this
social harmony, and democratic material abundance, ideological that Australian citizens using relationship needs to be based
values. conformity, and pervasive social Chinese social media platforms on mutual trust and respect for
control. In this dream, the rights in Australia in conversation the liberal values that sit at the
What kind of beast is the and dignity of individuals are with other Australians could be heart of Australian society.
Chinese Communist Party, secondary to the glory and censored if they do not tow the
and why should we be security of the Party-state. party line. This extraterritorial Adam Ni is currently researching
concerned about its rising censorship and content Chinese strategy and security at the
influence in Australia? The These oppressive tendencies manipulation are counter to Australian National University. He
Chinese Communist Party is r un contrar y to Australia’s the free and open debates that can be found on Twitter as @adam_
the authoritarian regime that openness, inclusiveness, and underpin Australia’s democratic ni. The opinions expressed in this
controls the most populous demo cratic values. China’s tradition. What right does article are the author’s own and do
country in the world. The illiberal values have no place in a Beijing have to limit freedom of not reflect the view of the Australian
Party is powerful, corrupt, and liberal country such as Australia speech in Australia? National University.
accountable to no one but itself. and we must be vigilant in the
It denies the basic human right of face of the increasing activity Why should the average
The Giant Awakens: Chinese Government Influence in Australia 15
silencing and intimidating alternative voices in
the Australian-Chinese community that do not
adhere to the Party line. This is unacceptable.
Against Chinese Illiberalism
ADAM NI The rising influence of freedom of speech, association, of the party-state on Australian Australian care? Every one of
the Chinese Communist and religion to its citizens. soil. us should care because Beijing’s
An enduring Party in Australia is It allows no independent propaganda and political
Australia- challenging Australian judiciary and media, and Increasingly, Beijing is operations in Australia run
China relationship institutions, values and the very few independent civic exporting its illiberal values and counter to the liberal values
cannot be built way we live. This influence organisations. The Party seeks toxic nationalism to Australia under pinning Austra lia’s
on trade and can and often does affect to control everything through through propaganda and democratic society. Each
investment flows Australian political and a combination of propaganda, political operations. In addition time we acquiesce to Beijing’s
alone. In the economic deliberations and brute force, and economic to allegations of interference bullying and decide not to speak
longer term, this public opinion. It also manifests incentives. It crushes dissents through political donations out against China’s violation of
relationship needs in the way that Australian with cruel efficiency when it by Party-linked businessmen, human rights and international
to be based on governments, companies and feels threatened, and suffers the Chinese Government is norms, we are helping to feed
mutual trust and public institutions behave in no opposition to its political also expanding its hold on the the fire of illiberalism. Each
respect for the dealing with China. orthodoxy. This is the reality of a Chinese-language media in time we stay silent when
liberal values that China governed by the Chinese Australia. It aims to silence Beijing violates the rights of an
sit at the heart of When our political and Communist Party. dissenting voices in the Australian, our freedom as a
Australian society. business leaders stay silent in Australian-Chinese community people is diminished. By staying
the face of Chinese violations While China has done well and use it as a leverage to shift silent, we are turning away from
of human rights, international economically in recent years, wider public opinion and the liberal values that sit at the
norms or Australian interests, the regime continues to oppress affect political deliberations in core of the Australian way of life.
they are sending a clear message its citizens through violation its favour. Sadly, most of the
of acquiescence. Not only are of their basic human rights. Chinese-language media have What can we do about it? We
they saying it is okay for China These are the rights that we been pulled into China’s orbit to should clearly point out Beijing’s
to act in a certain way, but the take for granted in the liberal a more or lesser degree because abuse of Australian hospitality
decision of acquiescence is West, such as the rights of of economic incentives and and its discrimination of the
changing who we are as a people political participation, assembly, pressure from the Party. The Australian-Chinese community
and the values we espouse as a worship, and free speech. In extensive reach of the Party-state through censorship and attempts
nation. fact, the freedom of thought is silencing and intimidating at political control. We should
and expression has shrunk alternative voices in the speak out with a loud voice.
It is time for a frank significantly in recent years Australian-Chinese community Our choice to speak out against
conversation about Chinese under China’s current leader, that do not adhere to the Party B eijing’s illiberalism is not
propaganda and political Xi Jinping. This includes tighter line. This is unacceptable. without cost. In fact, it may well
operations in Australia. The control of media, universities have very real economic and
stakes have never been higher. and cyberspace. In addition to controlling and political costs for Australia. But
The cost of turning a blind censoring news media, the Party an enduring Australia-China
eye to these operations carries The ‘China Dream’ espoused also tightly controls and censors relationship cannot be built
detrimental consequences for by Xi is a dream of a powerful social media platforms such as on trade and investment flows
Australia’s national interests, Chinese state. It is a vision of WeChat and Weibo. This means alone. In the longer term, this
social harmony, and democratic material abundance, ideological that Australian citizens using relationship needs to be based
values. conformity, and pervasive social Chinese social media platforms on mutual trust and respect for
control. In this dream, the rights in Australia in conversation the liberal values that sit at the
What kind of beast is the and dignity of individuals are with other Australians could be heart of Australian society.
Chinese Communist Party, secondary to the glory and censored if they do not tow the
and why should we be security of the Party-state. party line. This extraterritorial Adam Ni is currently researching
concerned about its rising censorship and content Chinese strategy and security at the
influence in Australia? The These oppressive tendencies manipulation are counter to Australian National University. He
Chinese Communist Party is r un contrar y to Australia’s the free and open debates that can be found on Twitter as @adam_
the authoritarian regime that openness, inclusiveness, and underpin Australia’s democratic ni. The opinions expressed in this
controls the most populous demo cratic values. China’s tradition. What right does article are the author’s own and do
country in the world. The illiberal values have no place in a Beijing have to limit freedom of not reflect the view of the Australian
Party is powerful, corrupt, and liberal country such as Australia speech in Australia? National University.
accountable to no one but itself. and we must be vigilant in the
It denies the basic human right of face of the increasing activity Why should the average
The Giant Awakens: Chinese Government Influence in Australia 15